I will not comply.

I will not comply. No I will just not. I will not vote. No. I will just not. Though I have the card, though I am 18, I will still just not. With them blundering and fooling and yet asking to come out and elect them once more. I will just not. “Democracy is a form of government where the rulers are elected by the people. India is the largest democracy in the world.” All rat learned in school. All hypothetical, true only on paper. If you look at it closely, the faults, the scratches you’ll see. It’s like you are given a plate. A plate full of rotten fruits and you choose the one that stinks less. But it will affect you. Severely. And knowing this still how can you comply? How can you vote? I will not. I will just not. It has become a game. We are the ones still making it run. Where votes are not gained but bought, I don’t want to comply. I just don’t. Why continue this cycle? Who are we fooling with this? Ourselves.
A new gust of wind is needed. One that will take away all this bigotry with it. One where actually the leaders will think of working rather than just winning. One where the people will think about what they are being fed. A wind which wakes the people from the dream, from the shallow optimism, from just going to work and coming home. The atmosphere needs to change. Let’s tell them to bring better conditions. Let us all pledge to change this. Let us all not comply anymore. I won’t. Don’t know about you.